Calculating climate-damaging CO2 via smartphone and finding better solutions for everyday life is feasible for everyone. Klima-Kollekte – Kirchlicher Kompensationsfonds gGmbH provides a free app for this purpose.
This app contributes to avoiding, reducing and compensating for climate-damaging CO2. Because acting climate-friendly today conserves the future generations´ resources. The aim of the app is to promote climate-friendly travel by raising awareness. It supports users in reflecting on their own CO2 emissions, finding climate-friendly and alternative means of transport and, as a last step, compensating for unavoidable emissions. In addition, the app´s users receive weekly push messages with climate tips on their smartphones that provide suggestions for a resource-saving and climate-friendly lifestyle.
“Often there is a lack of knowledge about one’s own mobility-related emissions: This is where the Klima-Kollekte app comes in, because it creates awareness of CO2 emissions and offers practical ways to travel in a more climate-friendly way.”
Dr. Olivia Henke, Managing Director of Klima-Kollekte

Sustainable climate protection projects
In addition, the app gives an overview of Klima-Kollekte´s stustainable climate protection projects, whose quality was rated “Very good” by Stiftung Warentest in the “Voluntary CO2 Compensation” study in 2018. The compensation projects of Klima-Kollekte support either the expansion of renewable energies or the increase of energy efficiency. The projects serve to protect the climate and combat local poverty and thus always contribute to achieving the global development goals defined by the United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG).
Not only the calculation of CO2 emissions and the overview of more climate-friendly alternatives, but also the compensation of unavoidable emissions is carried out in a user-friendly way with just a few clicks. For Android-based mobile devices, the app is available in Google Play Store and for Apple devices in App Store (iOS). For more information about the app and download links, visit the website.

About Klima-Kollekte gGmbH
Klima-Kollekte gGmbH is a CO2 compensation fund of Christian churches through which organisations, institutions, companies and individuals can offset their emissions. TourCert has been cooperating with Klima-Kollekte since 2018 and offers customers the opportunity to offset their unavoidable CO2 emissions via Klima-Kollekte. The partners of Klima-Kollekte are “Bread for the world”, The German Caritas Association and Protestant Churches in Germany, among others.
Would you like to find out more about Klima-Kollekte and climate protection? Then download the app or take a look at the website There you will find the CO2 calculator as well as many practical CO2 saving tips and the annual report of the Klima-Kollekte.
App, Climate collection, Climate protection, CO2, Compensation