TourCert Journal

How business partners become cooperation partners

Blick in die Baumkronen im Wald


Why the value chain and dialogue with business partners are so important in the TourCert system

The dominant economic system destroys man and nature. The dramatic development of social inequalities and the destruction of nature is becoming more and more obvious. What is the future of tourism when tourist attractions are overcrowded due to overtourism, natural areas are shrinking, fertile soils are becoming desolate, animal and plant species are being eradicated faster and faster and societies are collapsing?

Tourism can make our world a better place

As the world’s largest and dynamically growing economic sector, tourism has a special responsibility. And if a different way of doing business is necessary, then perhaps tourism companies even have a particularly high potential to shape the new way of doing business and to set an example as “change leaders”. Tourism is cosmopolitan and sensitive to natural spaces; due to ongoing changes, flexibility and willingness to learn are required; diversity and nature orientation are more important than one-dimensional efficiency maximisation and exclusive yield fixing. Tourism is based on partnership, as the tourism experience for travellers is only unique if all partners in the tourism value chain work together optimally. Egotrip and ruthless competitive thinking are not the order of the day. In this respect, tourism can pave the way for a different economy and the necessary global transformation.

Zwei lachende Frauen geben sich einen Handschlag
A partnership-oriented approach is crucial

From the current point of view, we see three promising starting points for the entry into a different tourist economy:

1 Cooperation instead of competition

Cooperation between business partners along the tourism value chain is crucial for success. It is harmful if only what pays off and the low-cost supplier has the best chances counts in the cooperation. If everyone only thinks of himself, the whole thing cannot become optimal. Our approach is therefore to turn the so-called supply chain into a partnership-based and learning cooperation network.

Eine bunte Blumenwiese im Sonnenschein
Learning from ecosystem nature

2 Learning from nature: thinking and acting systemically

Nature (our global ecosystem) provides the crucial products for the survival and quality of life of humanity. It functions decentralized and diverse, uniquely effective and cooperative. Nature shows us how stupid and destructive our economy is.

To manage naturally means to promote diversity and to be moderate. Tourism companies do good business with nature’s services. It is high time that the companies deal with the ecosystems and draw consequences for their own way of doing business and the design of their travel products. Our mission therefore includes to promote appropriate corporate cultures and systemic management elements that are inspired by natural systems and contribute to the development of innovative business models and travel products.

Besuch bei einem viSozial-Projekt in Arequipa, Peru
Enhance a new travel culture

3 Inspire travellers for a new travel culture

Tourism is the stuff dreams are made of; it is about emotions and visions. Tourists are free from everyday pressure and open to new experiences. The necessary global transformation also requires new consumption patterns and lifestyles. Here tourism can provide important development aid and inspire travellers for a new consumption and travel culture. Entrepreneurial courage for new paths and creative travel models are required. We support the development of innovative products and distribution models by establishing cooperation networks.

Jubelnde Gruppe
Shared success through cooperation

Seize opportunities

The global programme for a better world, the 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ of the UN show the way in Agenda 2030 and mark the necessary course for the future. It is not for nothing that Goal No. 17 is dedicated to building new partnerships. Take and give must be in balance. And so we come back to the initial thesis: Tourism can make the world a better place – a first step is the establishment of cooperation networks along the value chain.


Cooperation, nature, Sustainable Development Goals
